Rational protein engineering requires a holistic understanding of protein function. Here, we apply deep learning to unlabeled amino-acid sequences to distill the fundamental features of a protein into a statistical representation that is semantically rich and structurally, evolutionarily and biophysically grounded. We show that the simplest models built on top of this unified rep-resentation (UniRep) are broadly applicable and generalize to unseen regions of sequence space. Our data-driven approach predicts the stability of natural and de novo designed proteins, and the quantitative function of molecularly diverse mutants, competitively with the state-of-the-art methods. UniRep further enables two orders of magnitude efficiency improvement in a protein engineering task. UniRep is a versatile summary of fundamental protein features that can be applied across protein engineering informatics.NAtURE MEthodS | VOL 16 | DECEMBEr 2019 | 1315–1322 | www.nature.com/naturemethods1315